
To run Origins Mod download and install the Origins Mod Launcher using one of the links below which will automatically download the mod and install it on your computer. It will also automatically download and install any updates that come out for the mod.
Requirements: Windows Vista, 7, 8, 8.1, 10, or later. (The launcher will not run on Windows XP or older).

Origins Mod Launcher 1.8.x (current)

Install package .msi
Install package .7z
Install package .rar
Install package .zip

If you cannot use the launcher or want to install the mod manually, you can download it using torrent:
Origins Mod Torrent 1.8.x (current)

Note: Origins Mod models and map require prior authorization from owners before use in any other mods.
However feel free to use models and map for personal education such as How to create them and for understadnng Arma 2 modding.